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Saturday, June 4, 2005

Second thoughts?

The first thing I did was join the B9 builders club run by Mike Joyce. There's a wealth of knowledge on that site regarding the B9 robot. After I joined, I read through all the member sites and scrapbooks and began to get a little nervous.

The project looks a lot harder than I anticipated. It's definately over my head in many areas. Just when I was beginning to retreat from my committment, I ran across Mark Thompson's website with his plans on building the bottom robot from the waist down using ordinary building materials. This certainly looked like a project that I could accomplish.

So I told myself that If I could follow Mark's plans and build the robot from the waist down then I would spend a few dollars to buy the upper torso and related head parts. The only expense would be for building materials and a few woodworking tools that I needed.

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