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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I spent a bit of time working with the new C3PO head and cut the eyes out and continue to work on getting a halo to work for this helmet. Even cutting that one Halo and separating it didn’t work. It just doesn’t fit this head correctly. So I used a dremmel and cleaned up the other halo as my options were narrowing. But it looks like that one will work.

Bender continues to get bond, foam and sanding and sanding and more sanding. More foam in the cracks between the shoulders and the torso. That way I can cover it with bondo and/or paint. Hopefully tonight I’ll be able to hit it with another splash of primer. The problem with a thin styrene skin is it’s so easy to sand through it if you’re not careful. Then you have problems. I have several spots that are tender and one that has a small tear in it. Tedius is the only way to describe this stage. I want to get it done but have to wait while each coat of bondo/foam/primer/spot putty dries.

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